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Marcum-Hofstra CEO Survey
No. 2, 2024

Outsourcing of Key Business Functions - External Issues of Concern

The latest edition of the Marcum-Hofstra University CEO Survey provides new insights into the business environment, outlook, and trends among middle-market CEOs.

A significant takeaway from the survey indicates a rising tendency toward outsourcing critical business functions. The survey reveals that 29.1% of CEOs reported increased outsourcing activities compared to their historical approaches. Cybersecurity emerged as the most outsourced function, with 17.9% of companies primarily relying on external expertise to secure their data and information systems. Conversely, human resources remained the least outsourced function, with only 4.8% of CEOs opting for external services.

Question 1
To what extent does your company perform the following functions in-house vs. outsourcing them to outside firms?
Question 2
Generally, have you been outsourcing various corporate functions more or less than you have in the past?
Question 3
In general, what are the primary reasons for outsourcing various corporate functions?
Question 4
Which external issues do you envision having the most impact on your business in the year ahead? Please rank your top three influences.
Question 5
What is your view of the current business environment?
Question 6
What are the most important influences for your business planning in the next 12 months?