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Marcum-Hofstra CEO Survey
No. 3, 2023

Here is your copy.

Thank you for your interest in the Marcum-Hofstra CEO Survey.
Download your copy below.

Question 1
How important is it for companies to embrace environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals in company planning and actions?
Question 2
How much are environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals considered in your company’s planning and actions?
Question 3
How important do you believe it is for companies to actively support political or social causes (on a local or national basis)?
Question 4
How concerned are you that the economy will experience a recession later this year?
Question 5
How is a possible recession in the coming year affecting your company’s staffing?
Question 6
What is your view of the current business environment?
Question 7
What are the most important influences for your business planning in the next 12 months?